Monday, January 2, 2017

Is it Wrong to Re-Gift?

Well, the holidays are officially over and clean-up has begun. In the January issue of Northern Connection, I started the conversation wondering if it is wrong to re-gift and how long do I need to hold on to things that I’m given?

On the one hand, I am so blessed to have received these gifts but on the other, I have absolutely no room to put anything. As one colleague suggested – I don’t have a hoarding problem, I have a storage problem. Which is a true observation: I don’t have a basement; the attic is full and I have small closets that are filled to the brim. I don’t even want to think about the kitchen. I also have an extensive library which, if you drop by, you know you’ll need to move a stack of books to sit down.

So, my mantra over the past few years is downsize, downsize downsize. I feel it is my modern-day version of Thoreau’s, “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.” But how can I live up to everyone’s expectations of maintaining a livable space while holding on to everything I’m given?

As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions? Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.


  1. From a reader: I once received a gift from my sister-in-law that she had held onto until she turned around, forgot that it was us who had given it to her, and she wrapped it up and gave it back to us.

  2. From a reader: Hello Marianne!  I read your article in the Northern Connection today.   I did not receive any re-gifts when I got married 25 years ago, however, some of the gifts were "unique," to be kind in their description. 
    Every year, when I return to work after Christmas, I come loaded down with previous Christmas snacks, baked goods, and gifts to re-gift.  There are a couple of people at work that are the happy recipients of my re-gifting.  I give them the jewelry, the candle, the odd knick knack... and say - "Re-Gift!"  They laugh and are grateful.  I don't re-wrap anything - it is what it is!
    I think to re-gift is okay and maybe acceptable, in these days of re-cycling and re-purposing.  To not care about removing a card, a wrapping, a sales slip, etc., is not okay.  
    Thank you!

  3. Hi Marianne, Given that so many of us have houses jam-packed with "stuff," your garage sale idea is a good one. My family wants to move to a bigger house because we're running out of room. It's not because our family is getting larger, but rather the result of too much "stuff." Kudos to you!
