Monday, January 2, 2017

Is it Wrong to Re-Gift?

Well, the holidays are officially over and clean-up has begun. In the January issue of Northern Connection, I started the conversation wondering if it is wrong to re-gift and how long do I need to hold on to things that I’m given?

On the one hand, I am so blessed to have received these gifts but on the other, I have absolutely no room to put anything. As one colleague suggested – I don’t have a hoarding problem, I have a storage problem. Which is a true observation: I don’t have a basement; the attic is full and I have small closets that are filled to the brim. I don’t even want to think about the kitchen. I also have an extensive library which, if you drop by, you know you’ll need to move a stack of books to sit down.

So, my mantra over the past few years is downsize, downsize downsize. I feel it is my modern-day version of Thoreau’s, “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.” But how can I live up to everyone’s expectations of maintaining a livable space while holding on to everything I’m given?

As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions? Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.