Sunday, June 4, 2017

Is Customer Service a One-Sided Conversation?

The conversation I started in this month’s issue in NorthernConnection magazine, is regarding the status of customer service. With us at the magazine – we are dedicated to all of our advertisers, readers, community events and everyone we do business.

We take pride in a job well done and have received hundreds of thank you’s and testimonials regarding our exceptional service and devotion to helping create awareness in our community.

But every now and again, I come across a store that leaves customer service to be desired. For example, one dress shop I use to use, know that I have been a regular for years. Yet, they recently changed their return policy – no one told me, no one warned me that they were going to start enforcing it. Yet when I brought a blouse that I received as a Christmas present back after the new 30-day limit – just to exchange for a different one. I was told I was too late and they wouldn’t even make an exception to their new rule even though I have frequented that business for years.

Needless to say, they just lost a regular shopper.

It was this lack of customer appreciation that prompted this month’s blog.

Has this ever happened to you? As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions! Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.

Monday, May 1, 2017

People who Steal Handicap Parking Spaces

In this month’s conversation in Northern Connection magazine, I wondered what is wrong with people who use handicapped parking spaces when they’re not handicapped?
Well – whatever their problem – YOU CAN NOW REPORT THEM – Cuz there’s an app for that!!

According to, check out and down load their app:
Parking Mobility ( is a new smartphone app that allows users to report parking violators. The app cues the user to take a set of photos of the vehicle in violation and it marks the date, time and location. The app then sends a report to local authorities, if the city has approved and adopted the practice of using the app. Normal citizens, through the use of the Parking Mobility application, are now empowered to help make a difference.

Let’s face it… Disabled parking is needed by 20% of the population, and cities are responsible for ensuring that these parking spots remain accessible and are not being abused. Parking Mobility is the answer, empowering its citizens and their assisting local government in addressing disabled parking abuse. After all, who is better to spot a violator than those who depend on it daily?

To learn more about the Parking Mobility app. please visit”

Won’t you join me?

As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions! Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Should Priests Marry?

Pope Francis is considering letting priests marry, according to a report by CNN. As I mentioned in my column Starting the Conversation in Northern Connection magazine, if the subject is on the docket for discussion, perhaps this is the time to discuss.

This topic was also reported by the Herald. When I first read the Pope's stipulation that "older, married men with a long commitment to the church could also be considered"

I immediately though of the beloved, elderly deacon at my own church and thought it would be
awesome if he could continue his religious life and become a priest.
But then I started wondering - If deacons can become priests, can nuns or lay women become deacons? Should nuns become priests?  And then I wondered about other religions who allow their priests and ministers to marry - has it increased vocations?
I have more questions than answers - so as always I would love to know what you think.
You are welcome to leave comments below, email me at or send me a "Letter to the Editor" at P.O. Box 722, Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A THIRD Opinion? Seriously?

In the March issue, of the Northern Connection magazine, I related the story of how my husband had to get THREE quotes from THREE different services in order to get his car inspected at a reasonable price.
I can’t help but wonder about the first two services. They both had HUGE lists of what was wrong and HUGE expenses to go along with them. We didn’t know what to think. Especially, since the lists didn’t match.

Clearly, now that we found an honest opinion, the first two were just trying to take advantage of us, our ignorance about automobiles and get what they could get.

What do you think? Am I responsible for my own ignorance about cars? Is it my own fault for being trusting? Are they justified in some way?

As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions! Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Is it Wrong to Re-Gift?

Well, the holidays are officially over and clean-up has begun. In the January issue of Northern Connection, I started the conversation wondering if it is wrong to re-gift and how long do I need to hold on to things that I’m given?

On the one hand, I am so blessed to have received these gifts but on the other, I have absolutely no room to put anything. As one colleague suggested – I don’t have a hoarding problem, I have a storage problem. Which is a true observation: I don’t have a basement; the attic is full and I have small closets that are filled to the brim. I don’t even want to think about the kitchen. I also have an extensive library which, if you drop by, you know you’ll need to move a stack of books to sit down.

So, my mantra over the past few years is downsize, downsize downsize. I feel it is my modern-day version of Thoreau’s, “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.” But how can I live up to everyone’s expectations of maintaining a livable space while holding on to everything I’m given?

As always, I am VERY interested in your thoughts and opinions? Leave comments below, email me at or send me a “Letter to the Editor” at P.O Box 722 Wexford, PA 15090-0722 attn: Marianne Reid Anderson.